
Archive for the ‘hypnosis’ Category

Hypnosis is an alternative health treatment that can help you in many areas of your life. It can help you to lose weight, quit smoking, cope with anxiety, get rid of phobias and increase your self-esteem.

In part one we defined hypnosis and we looked at how it feels to be hypnotized. Here in part two we continue with some other important truths about the practice of hypnosis.

Here is a common question asked by many people about hypnosis – is it dangerous?

When you take part in a guided hypnotic session you have what is known as an observer self. You have to expand your thinking to understand the observer self. It is “an actual part of you that is always aware and watching out for you.” While under hypnosis you can trust and be assured that your observer self is watching over you carefully and will not let anything happen to you that you would not permit in your waking state.

Hypnosis is capable of making us sharper and more focused mentally. Due to this it is actually able to make us safer (as opposed to less safe) because it allows us to become more aware of our surroundings as we go through our day. This is a good thing and an aspect of hypnosis that many people do not think about or are even aware of.

Hypnosis will not cause you to do anything against your will nor will it cause you to reveal any information about yourself that you would prefer to keep secret.

Basically, you’ll not say or do anything that you would not ordinarily do. Under hypnosis you continue to have a choice because your brain does not stop functioning properly nor is your ability to reason altered or diminished.

This is one of the most common misconceptions about hypnosis. You may see the things that stage hypnotists get audience members to do to entertain others and it might cause you concern. This is done for entertainment value only, and frankly has nothing to do with therapeutic hypnosis and is more about a subjects openness to suggestibility than anything else. It cannot be emphasized often enough – you will never ever do anything while under hypnosis, nor will you accept any suggestions while in this state that violate your moral code or any of your values.

Hypnosis is healthy and safe.

You will not get trapped in it and you do not have to worry about getting stuck in a terminal hypnosis state. It is something that can happen under any circumstances so it is not a reason to stay away from hypnosis treatments.

For instance if a tape you were listening to came to an end or if the hypnotherapist exited the room and you no longer heard a voice then one of two things would happen. Your subconscious mind would realize that there is no longer a voice guiding the session and you would be brought back to conscious awareness.  Or you might just fall asleep and then wake up as naturally as if you were asleep in your bed.

Now there may be other reasons why hypnosis may not work for your problem or goal, but a certified hypnotist is trained to recognize these conditions and suggest other alternatives for you.


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Hypnosis is a therapy that can be used for a number of health and well-being issues.

It helps to understand the truth behind it before you jump in with both feet (especially if you are a first timer!). Here we take a  close look at the practice of hypnosis.

How can hypnosis be defined?

Generally speaking, hypnosis can be thought of as a relaxed and focused state of concentration. Many people believe that it is similar in nature to sleep. In reality it is quite different. The brain enters into a very specific state of being when it becomes open to suggestion. It is not an unusual or strange state of mind and many people feel very normal when they are in hypnosis while others feel like they are in a trance-like state.

Before trying out hypnosis you may wonder what it will feel like. Do not worry as you have nothing to be nervous about. Not everyone experiences hypnosis in exactly the same way and not everyone describes their experience in similar terms. Some people feel as if their body is lighter and they are floating on a cloud while others feel as if their body has gotten heavier.

One thing that most people who have hypnosis agree upon is that it makes them feel very good. The relaxation they feel is tremendous. Hypnosis quiets and calms the mind and soothes and relaxes the body.

The reason why hypnosis is often described as being just like sleep is because it mimics the feeling an individual has as they are just drifting off to sleep (referred to as the alpha state). The alpha state is a state that is dreamy, soothing and very pleasant. During this period of time the mind is open to having visualizations and by so doing a rich sensory experience. This is comparable to how hypnosis feels. The more an experience becomes real in the subconscious mind the more it will have an effect on your behavior when awake.

What you may not realize is that hypnosis is a state of mind that is quite normal and is one that most of us experience on a daily basis. When you are reading a book or watching a movie and become totally engrossed in it to the exclusion of other things in your surroundings then that is a form of hypnosis.

When you listen to music that captures a certain mood you can become hypnotized by it. If you lose track of time and place or if someone has to call out your name a few times then you are in hypnosis. There are many different examples of this from everyday life, and so anybody that thinks they cannot be hypnotized… you already have, but didn’t know it.

On the other hand most hypnotherapists will tell you if somebody comes to them believing they cannot be hypnotized then they’ll make a poor subject for the hypnotists to take on and help.

Continue onto part two of this series to learn more about the truth as it pertains to hypnosis.


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Back a few months ago I wrote about gastric band weight loss surgery and procedures offering an alternative to the surgery using hypnosis. One of these is the Virtual Gastric Band procedure from Sheila Granger.

Recently a study on Virtual Gastric Band was concluded in Milford Massachusetts. The study was organized by Virtual Gastric Band of New England. The Milford study results along with some participant feedback can be found at the VGB New England web site here.

The study consisted of 10 participants and was led by Erika Slater, CH. The study obtained similar results to those performed elsewhere in U.S. and in Europe.

However, what is interesting about this study is it was conducted over the holiday season normally a difficult time for people to lose weight. Slater said the participants were all committed to the program and comfortable with the process.

While the hypnosis sessions are complete as part of the study the participants will be followed during the next twelve months with regularly progress check-ins.

Slater say’s “the Virtual Gastric Band method is not another diet plan but instead teaches you to be satisfied with smaller portions of food at meal times.”  “Unlike weight loss surgery,” Slater added “the Virtual Gastric Band Procedure is available to anyone who wishes to achieve lasting significant weight loss regardless of whether or not they’re candidates for weight-loss surgery.

Weight loss is a huge issue and topic in this country and this is one story I’ll be following over the next year, and I’ll be interested to see if the initial results of the study group continues the progress over the next year.

Erika Slater is offering private and group sessions in the procedure and you can find out more information about her Virtual Gastric Band Boston Massachusetts service here.


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The hypno-bandTM is a form of gastric band hypnosis created and developed by John Maclean of New Wave Hypnotherapy which is found in Mallorca, Spain and Exeter, United Kingdom.  This is the third in my posts about hypnosis surgery.

After seeing many clients with a high body mass index (BMI) John Maclean came to realize that while weight loss hypnotherapy was beneficial for these clients, it was not enough.

While gastric band hypnosis was something he was aware of he felt what it required to be effective was a system that was highly integrated. It needed to analyze and cope with the emotional and psychological reasons that overeating took place.  It is the knowledge of this that prompted many months of research and development that led to the creation of the hypno-band. Today it is used by over 200 licensed practitioners in 11 countries around the world.

What is the Hypno-Band?

The hypno-bandTM is a system that combines techniques used in hypnotherapy with cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT). Together these methods make it possible for a patient of the therapy to explore and analyze their eating habits. Once that is done then they’re able to modify their eating habits to improve their weight, and from there the quality of their life. The mind/body connection is then used to “install” a virtual gastric band into the stomach of the patient.  The individual will then consume less food and eat less often than before.

There is no surgery that takes place in this case. The hypno-bandTM system is non-invasive in nature. It involves no drugs and is not painful or uncomfortable in the least.  On the contrary it is very relaxing and peaceful. It is also safe and cost effective for the majority of patients.

How Does the Hypno-Band System Work?

The hypno-bandTM system is made up of a series of one hour sessions. It comes with MP3 or CD recordings that can be used for the reinforcement you require. When you have your first session a complete medical history will be taken. This will also include a discussion of your diet and lifestyle habits. An initial assessment will also be taken at this time. At this time you will also be introduced to hypnosis and you will experience all of the positive and relaxing feelings that accompany the hypnosis experience. This is also when your journey to drop pounds begins.

During your second session the virtual gastric band will be fitted around the stomach and the hypnotherapy will take place. In the sessions to follow it will be adjusted accordingly. In sessions beyond that everything that has been learned to date will be reinforced and the patient will begin to be taught a different approach to looking at food and eating food. Once the hypno-band sessions have concluded the patient should use the CD or MP3 recordings to continue to reinforce everything that has been learned.

Like all hypnosis the success of the hypno-band depends upon you. You must be completely committed to it in order it to work for you. Find out more information at http://www.hypnoband.com


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Last week I looked at the pioneering work of the Shirran’s and their Gastric Mind BandTM program. Today I’ll cover the work of Sheila Granger and her Virtual Gastric Band Program.

Just as  a recap for you, these therapies make use of hypnosis and powerful imagery, along with behavioral modifications, to convince your unconscious mind you’ve had Gastric Band surgery with the intent of losing weight by taking in lesser amounts of food at each meal.

A U.K. clinical hypnotherapist named Sheila Granger has developed her own Virtual Gastric Band technique. Granger has quoted a 95 percent rate of success with those who have already attempted her weight loss hypnosis procedure.

While little details are generally available about the actual technique, it uses the power of clinical hypnosis to convince the human mind that a gastric band has been fitted into the stomach. This leads to is a feeling of fullness that will happen much faster than in the past while you’re consuming food. This is exactly what happens when gastric band surgery is done for real.

Advantages to the virtual gastric band hypnosis are that it’s less expensive than the real surgery, and because it doesn’t involve an invasive surgical procedure, there are no risks  connected to having a general anesthetic as none is administered. As described earlier the “surgery” is performed only in the subconscious where your desire to eat (and over consume) lives. This technique, as previously mentioned, is non-surgical in nature and uses the power inherent in hypnosis to train both the mind as well as the body to take in a lesser amount of food at each sitting. It works by conveying a message to the brain that the stomach is satiated and does not require any more food.

If “adjustments” need to be made to the virtual gastric band then they can be done relatively easily. Best of all, there is no pain and no recovery time required. There is also no ongoing medical treatment required and the therapy can be done privately, comfortably and best of all – rapidly!

According to Granger, the majority of her clients have benefited from the virtual gastric band treatment. She pioneered this therapy in the United Kingdom as a component of her weight loss hypnotherapy program. Granger is scheduled to visit NYC in mid-October to discuss her techniques with other hypnotherapists keen to understand her techniques and the reasons for her claimed success rates.


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