
Archive for the ‘acupuncture’ Category

Endometriosis is a chronic disease that can cause a great deal of pain, bleeding and scarring for the woman who develops it.

This disease takes place when the tissue that lines the uterus (known as the endometrium) grows outside of the uterus and into the abdomen. In some women it may grow on the ovaries or in the fallopian tubes.

This disease affects in the range of eight to 15 percent of females. It is most commonly found in women in their early 20’s and those in their early 30’s. Endometriosis can make getting pregnant difficult. It can also increase a woman’s chances of developing certain types of cancers, such as breast cancer and ovarian cancer. If not treated and diagnosed in its early stages endometriosis can get worse over the passage of time.

Alternative Treatment Options:

Alternative therapies can be beneficial to those women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis.

Those who practice Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are of the belief that this disease is caused by the stagnation of qi (blood stasis), damp heat or dampness and phlegm combined. They are also of the mind that endometriosis may develop if the organs of the body are not as strong as they could be. Many TCM practitioners believe that a constant insufficiency in a combination of the body’s organs can lead to negative patterns that take place over a long stretch of time.

It is these negative patterns that they seek to eradicate with alternative treatments.

TCM is all about herbal treatments. The herbs that characterize TCM are often combined with the practice of acupuncture to regulate the progression of the disease as well as the rate at which the blood is stagnating. When these therapies join forces they can find the root of the problem and then can work from there to improve the health of the sufferer.

Aromatherapy has also shown promise for those women who have been diagnosed with endometriosis. Aromatherapy uses oils to heal the body.

The adhesions that take place as a result of this chronic disease can be reduced with the application of a selection of oils. The most beneficial ones for this purpose are chamomile, jasmine, lavender, neroli and rose. Not only are these oils healing in nature but they are also anti-spasmodic which means that they prevent and/or reduce the occurrence of muscle spasms.

Both of these significant properties of oils can make them very useful for muscles and tissues.

If you suffer from endometriosis then you may wish to see what the world of alternative medicine has to offer you. You do not have to abandon conventional treatments all together but can look to other more natural and holistic means to help your condition.


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Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing that has been shown to be most effective for those who suffer from chronic pain.

Chronic pain is pain that persists and/or continues to progress over a lengthy span of time. Chronic pain is a part of many diseases and takes not just a physical toll on the sufferer but often an emotional one as well that is also felt by those who are closest to the person.

Treatment Plan for Chronic Pain

Due to the nature of chronic pain, doctors work to find a treatment plan that will provide the most therapeutic benefits. Often the best treatment plan is one that combines a variety of approaches. In other words, a fusion of conventional Western medicine coupled with alternative therapies. Acupuncture is a common type of therapy for chronic pain because studies have borne out its effectiveness.

It is important to stop for a moment and clarify a point- acupuncture is not a cure for chronic pain. As well, it is generally not as effective when used on its own but works better when it is paired with other therapies.

Acupuncture Eases Pain

Instead, acupuncture is meant as a natural way to help ease pain and suffering in order that the person is able to go about their daily activities and live a higher quality of life.  Bear in mind that not everyone who undergoes acupuncture treatments will experience the same responses and/or results. Everyone is very different in this respect.

The true worth of the practice of acupuncture is catching on in this part of the world as evidenced by this- the World Health Organization has chosen to endorse acupuncture as a viable form of treatment for more than 40 different types of medical conditions. Chronic pain is included here.

Acupuncture to the Rescue for Chronic Pain Sufferers

In particular acupuncture has been shown to help chronic pain sufferers who live with the following conditions:

• Osteoarthritis
• Fibromyalgia (and soft-tissue pain)
• Neck pain
• Lower back pain
• Pelvic pain
• Migraine headaches
• Tennis elbow
• Pain following surgery

Acupuncture does not look at a disease per se or even the symptoms of it but instead looks at the individual as a whole and works from there. A trained acupuncturist will also consider other relevant aspects of health for the individual such as the role that the mind-body connection plays.

How Many Treatments are Necessary?

The number of treatments you will require is dependent on the type of condition you suffer from as well as how you respond to your first acupuncture treatment. It is rare that one treatment will be enough to help you.

In most cases you will probably need to have several treatments over the course of a number of weeks or months before you begin to notice positive changes in your body. If you have suffered from a condition for many years, such as in the case of a person with osteoarthritis, you are well advised to employ acupuncture on a long-term basis for optimum results.

One of the greatest benefits of acupuncture for chronic pain is that no drugs are used to reduce pain. As well, it is a safe practice that has no known side effects. Patients often describe a feeling of total relaxation after they have finished having a treatment.

To learn more about this topic please visit these sites:



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Acupuncture is a type of alternative therapy that got its start in China and has been used for centuries.

As a form of natural healing, acupuncture has been part of the Chinese culture for over 2,000 years. It is finding its way into western society more and more all of the time. While acupuncture is not generally used to replace Western medicine, it can often work as a complement to it.

Acupuncture Restores Balance

The Chinese believe that imbalances in the body are a result of an imbalance of vital energy known as “chi”. This energy is believed to circulate throughout meridians in the body which are invisible energy lines. It is the belief of the Chinese that the body is made up of 12 meridians and each one is connected to different organs. When an imbalance occurs to chi, that is when disease and sickness arises.

In order to restore the balance and harmony of energy back to normal, you can visit a qualified acupuncturist who will insert fine needles into the relevant points along the meridian lines that relate to the problem you are experiencing. There are approximately 1,000 acupuncture points on the human body that can be utilized for this purpose.

The Purpose of Acupuncture

Acupuncture is very strange in the way it is administered but if it does what it was meant to do, does it really make that much difference? The purpose behind it is to restore one’s health to a positive state and to lessen pain and discomfort. In particular, acupuncture has shown a tremendous amount of promise in helping chronic pain sufferers, such as those who suffer from osteoarthritis and fibromyalgia. It has also shown promise for cancer patients and for those who suffer with fertility issues.

Theories about How Acupuncture Works

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), an estimated $500 million is spent on a yearly basis by people seeking acupuncture treatments to help what ails them. Acupuncture is one of the most well known of all of the natural healing therapies.

How acupuncture works however remains somewhat of a mystery. There have been a variety of theories put forth to explain its success at relieving pain. For example, some researchers theorize that acupuncture manages to stimulate the release of endorphins in the brain which then counteracts pain. Others think along the same lines but believe that neurotransmitters are release during treatments, thus sending nerve impulses to the brain.

Some individuals believe that acupuncture affects the electrical currents in the body which then facilitate healing. Two other common theories are that the insertion of needles along the meridians stimulate circulation or that acupuncture impacts the autonomic nervous system.

Which theory is correct is not known but studies have shown that acupuncture can help to alleviate certain types of pain. Enough said?

Many people are frightened off by the thought of needles because they think that acupuncture is a painful form of therapy. While you may feel a slight sting to your skin when the needle is first inserted, once it is in the discomfort will be no more. In fact most acupuncture patients describe the treatments as being relaxing, peaceful or calming.

If it helps your pain, even if it seems a little unusual, acupuncture is worth a try. Wouldn’t you agree?


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