
Posts Tagged ‘dematitis’

Eczema is a skin condition that can be described as a type of dermatitis.

It is an acute or chronic inflammation of the skin that causes redness, itching and sometimes oozing of the skin. While this condition is not contagious it is also not one that anyone wishes to develop. The scratching and discomfort that comes along with eczema can be downright uncomfortable for those who suffer from it.

Here we look at some natural means you can use to help tame the skin problem and help healing to take its course.

You want to scratch your skin so badly but doing so can make the problem even worse. When you scratch and tear your skin you let more bacteria in and inflammation can become worse. Do what you can to fight the urge to itch and scratch. Keeping your skin well moisturized at all times is one way to do this. Dry skin is more vulnerable to those who suffer from eczema. Find moisturizing products such as creams, lotions and oils that can help your skin. Use them the second you sense a flare up is coming.

Studies have shown that natural oils that come from food contain anti-inflammatory properties that can help to treat eczema and other skin disorders. You can consume more natural oils by eating foods that are abundant in omega-6. These foods include olive oil, walnuts and oily fish such as salmon and sardines.

If you prefer you can increase your intake of natural oils by taking a supplement such as borage oil or cod liver oil. If you take this route then you need to consume two to three tablespoons of fish oil per day.

Evening primrose oil is also beneficial as a natural means of treating eczema. Those who suffer from atopic eczema will find evening primrose oil to be of tremendous help. This oil does not work quickly however. It may take a matter of weeks or months before you notice an improvement in your skin. Evening primrose oil is most often found in capsule form. You can take the capsules orally or you can break them open and apply them topically to where your skin is affected.

A zinc supplement is also a natural treatment for eczema. Zinc is a type of mineral that is beneficial to the body in many ways.

While this mineral is only required in small quantities by the body it is not always easy to get the necessary amount on a regular basis. For this reason zinc supplements can come in handy. Zinc helps to keep the skin and hair in tip top shape. Zinc supplements can help those who suffer with eczema. Speak to your doctor first before you start taking these supplements. It will take approximately a month or two before you notice a positive change.


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